Single Parents

Newbie question, TIA.

I have been fighting my ex over our now 20 month old since November.  I have been nothing but civil and amicable to him.  I agreed to 50/50 custody, every other holiday, and he also gets him for two one-week blocks each year (when he takes his vacations from work).

He served me with papers today going for full custody.

I was a stay at home mom from 5 months pregnant until now.  I start my new job on Monday, which is full time and pays well.  I also enrolled back at my University full time when I moved out.  

My questions are, what are the odds of a father getting full custody when the mother is stable, working, and trying to get an education.  I have been his primary caretaker his entire life.  I also want to file for full custody.  When I talk to a lawyer, what do I ask?  How much was your retainer fee?  Do lawyers allow you to make payments?  Any advice at all about this would be appreciated. 

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