
which side to start next?

about 4 hours ago, dd ate from leftie. 2 hours ago, we tried bottles for the very first time, so right before, i pumped both breasts (got 4oz from L, 2 oz from R)..gave her a quick, less than 5 minutes snack on rightie. she ate about 1 oz from the bottle (between screams). she typically eats for about 10-15 mins.

when she wants to eat again later, do i start left or right? thanks!

♥ bfp2 02/15/2012 ♥ edd 10/23/2013 ♥
♥ bfp1 06/14/2011 ♥ edd 02/22/2012 ♥
♥ baby jennlin born on 02/15/2012 ♥

who says you can only wear your wedding dress once?

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