1st Trimester

Dr. Appt Update

I went to the dr. today, to see if we could see a heartbeat or even a baby in the sac.

Last week, all we saw was a yolk sac and the g-sac, no baby.

I went in today a ball of nerves.

We still didn't see a baby all we saw was a definite g-sac and yolk sac.

She was a little concerned because according to her calculations I should be 6 weeks this week. She sent me to the hospital to get an ultra sound there--of course at this point i was loosing it.

When my doctor finally got my results back from the hospital the results were: The amniotic sac shows 5 weeks and the yolk sac formed--no baby too early.

Oh a high note she said the blood work that she took last week, my progestrone levels looked really good and my HCG levels were at like 400 something and that's good for early pregnancy. So my dr. said she was hopeful, but it's too early to tell anything

Her recommendation is to wait another couple of weeks and continue to take prenatal vitamins.

I'm still a ball of nerves. I'm praying and keeping God in the midst.


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