1st Trimester

Fleeting Feelings

So I have to say that regardless of my feelings that seem to switch at every other moment, I am THRILLED to be pregnant. I have made it a point to not complain about each ache and pain I have or about how tired I am - I am taking value in each part of the journey. This pregnancy is a gift no matter how I look at it. This is my first pregnancy.

But I need some advice and I don't really know where to go...

I haven't ever been really close with my mom and the say the least my relationship with my MIL has been strained in the past. A couple of months before I became pregnant, my mom had made some comments to other family members that  she knew when I got pregnant and had a baby that she'd be involved and able to spoil the baby (Quick back story, my brother and his new wife recently had a baby and throughout her pregnancy they did not allow my mother to be involved at all, hence the above comments). However, since I found out I was pregnant and we announced it, she has been distant and doesn't make a whole lot of effort toward being in the know. My MIL however wants to be overly involved and at times I feel like telling her to back off. My MIL has a FB (no I am not friends with her, but DH is) and we posted ultrasound pictures and she got possessive and it hit a nerve with me.

I have a long way to go in this pregnancy and I feel like no involvement and too much involvement makes me want to SCREAM!  

How do I find that happy medium (is there one)?


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