3rd Trimester

Blood Pressure Question

Hey ladies,

What would be considered high blood pressure?  I have no idea. 

Yesterday at my doctors appointmen, my super laid back doctor didn't flinch at the fact I've put on 13 lbs this month (27 total) and my blood pressure, which is normally about 105/65 is up to 138/88.  Not to mention that I am really starting to swell.  I know some of the swelling is because I live in Florida, but I am starting to get concerned.

TIA for your help.  (BTW- this is the same OB I wanted to chuck last week and he was actually making jokes about sending me home with scissors, sterile pads and clamps just in case we didn't make it to the hospital and DH had to deliver DD at home or in the car.  Ugh.)

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