3rd Trimester

Getting ticked off at food all together...

So everytime I go to see my midwife I get the "you have to watch your weight" lecture...I get it.  I was overweight to start and the recommended not gaining more than 25lbs for the pregnancy...Im at week 31 and have gained 29lbs....I don't think its that bad but the last midwife said, "You should be careful or you'll be begging me to induce you by 38 weeks" ok lady, first of all you don't know me well enough to say that, and secondly, how does that instill confidence in first time mothers.  I feel like they are annoying bullies that I'm forced to interact with every 2 weeks now. 

Anyway, I was vegan for a year before getting pregnant and added meat back into my diet when I got pregnant because I know i wasnt getting adequate amount of protein.  But now I am still having food aversions to veggies.  I eat a salad, I get sick.  Mushrooms, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach...pretty much all of my favorite veggies make me sick.  I tried to eat cucumber for the first time since 1st tri last night and threw up.  So what do I eatl...meat and carbs, with nutritional yeast to try to substitute for what I'm lacking. 

My annoyance is that I'm still working out, and gaining weight steadily, but Im trying to think of what I can possibly say to these stupid midwives to get them to shut up about my weight...I have 9 weeks left. Ive been gaining about 2 lbs every 2 weeks, so 10 more lbs altogether I can live with.  But if I have to hear about what I should or shouldnt be eating one more time at midwife apt Im gonna fly off the handle...I want to say something that will get them to understand that I hear them, I realize their concerns, Im doing the best I can, and I dont want to hear about it anymore....any advice on how to get my point across?

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