1st Trimester

From nausea to insatiable hunger


I'm new here :) I  live in Sydney, Australia with my husband who I married in February, and we just found out almost 2 weeks ago that I'm pregnant.  Slight surprise but not overly so, and we're both very excited!

I'm around 6-7 weeks at the moment (won't know for sure until a scan at 11 weeks).  I've had almost all-day nausea for the past 2 weeks, have gone off almost every food, just smelling the mud outside or some jars of herbs make me feel really off.

Yesterday and today, whilst I'm still off most foods, I now am absolutely starving.  I mean, I ate, and an hour later I was starving again.  I had an Up & Go (like a breakfast shake type thing) and my stomach was still rumbling whilst I drank it...!

I was hoping my appetite would come back, but now it's crazy b/c I don't like most food so I'm really stuck for what to eat!   It's only just over an hour til dinner time but I'm tempted to go and grill some fish fingers for a quick fix... 

Just wondering if this is normal!  And if it carries on for the whole trimester...?  I am going to be the size of a house at this rate!  Although I lost over 1kg the past 2 weeks already with the nausea, so maybe it is my body just picking itself up again.

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