1st Trimester

Shocked, but Elated!

Hi everyone.

We found out on Saturday that we're pregnant with #2, due on January 12, 2013. I was a day late and tested on a whim. We were NTNP. I've now got every symptom in the book flying into the radar. I'm tired, but have insomnia. I've got the tender breasts. I have felt nausea already, but I've got my fingers crossed I won't be as sick as I was last time.

My son is 21 months old today. He's our pride and joy and will be an amazing 2.5 year old when our next is born. We're fingers crossed for a girl but will be happy either way. In fact, we discussed names already.

I am hopeful for a happy and healthy 9 months ... and a happy and healthy 9 months to everyone else expecting! 

First appointment is June 15, which seems so far away but is so traditional. Excited to see my midwife again, haha!

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