3rd Trimester

Maternity Leave: Can't decide what to do!

Ugh! What a mess!! I just cannot make a decision and need some persuading one way or the other. And possibly advice.

So, my work provides for up to 2 weeks before delivery and 8 weeks after delivery at 80% pay. The original plan was to work right up until my EDD. My big sis told me this weekend that she's going to be visiting next Monday (5/14). She lives 5 hours away and is coming down without her kids and hubby for some alone time before LO gets here. My boss and I had worked it out to where I'd be off on Monday (5/14) and work Tuesday (5/15) through Friday (5/18). Then, begin my maternity leave.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning at which I found out that I'll definitely be induced next Thursday (5/17) if I haven't gone into labor yet. So, obviously I won't be working Thursday or Friday. We are VERY short staffed at my work and my boss could really use me to work whatever I can. When I asked him if he could manage me taking off a week earlier than originally expected, he replied, "I wouldn't like it, but I could deal with it."

So here's my dilemma: Do I begin my maternity leave Monday? My sister would still be able to come down and I would have a few days to get ready for baby. Do you think I'll regret taking that week off and just be sitting around bored, waiting for time to pass so LO gets here?

Or, do I work up until Wednesday and appease my boss but possibly cancel my alone time with my sister? I just can't make my mind up...

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