1st Trimester

Worried about telling parents the news (overbearing)

First let me say I love my parents. They're wonderful people, and have done so much for me. 

That said, they've been known to be overbearing at times. We recently bought a house a few miles away, and they've made a point of showing up multiple times a week with comments like "can I make suggestion" and "did you consider putting that piece of furniture over there instead".

They mean well, but their need to give advice and control our experience is high.

So it goes without saying that I'm nervous to tell them we're expecting.

 Oh, of course they'll be excited and overjoyed. That'll be great! But I know it won't be long before my mom's telling me how I should eat, exercise, dress. Things I should register for and not register for. The works.

 Have any of you 2nd time mamas had to deal with a mom like this? How did you handle it?

 I wish I could just talk to her and tell her how it's going to go and what the boundaries are. But I've tried that before (during our wedding planning, house buying) and it went right over her head.  


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