1st Trimester

Getting impatient

I found out last Wednesday via a home pregnancy test that I am pregnant. The first thing I did was call my OB. He did all the standard things including a transvaginal ultrasound. The u/s showed nothing so he gave me a urine test. The line on the test was very faint, so he ordered blood tests to measure my hormone levels. The first test showed that I am indeed pregnant but my hcg levels are only 78. I had the second blood test done yesterday to make sure my levels are rising like the should be but I have to wait until Wednesday till I get the results.The doc said he had to do these tests to make sure it is not a "bad pregnancy". That made me a little nervous. I am guessing that since the u/s showed nothing and the levels were low that I am only about 4 weeks and everything is normal. But I just want definitive answers. I feel like I am left waiting in limbo. He didn't even prescribe me vitamins. I hate waiting and not knowing it is so nerve racking.
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