1st Trimester

Telling step children - any other step moms out there?

I'm a step mom to a really awesome 11 year old boy. I've been one of his parents for the last 6 years as we have custody of him and we have a good relationship.

I'm a little nervous about telling him about the new baby. He has a sister (half sister on his moms side) and he's an awesome big brother. He also knows what it means to have a baby in the house and the attention it takes away from him. I think he's appreciated that our house is pretty quiet and he's the only child there.

 Really want to reassure him, but don't want to promise things I can't deliver on. There will be less time devoted to him-- it's just the math, and things will be chaotic.

I always read in blogs that when you have your own your feelings change for your step child. I really don't want this to happen. I never pretended or tried to be his "real mom" but I do love him and our relationship means a lot to me.

My hope is that the difference in their ages will make any different treatment not noticible. I mean of course you're treating your baby different than your teenager.

Any sound advice or encouragement is welcome.

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