3rd Trimester


My doctor just prescribed me a low dose of Zoloft for pre-post partum depression (I have history of high anxiety and depression before pregnancy but stopped taking all meds when I found out I was pregnant). I am on 25mg to take for the next 2 weeks (he is guesstimating I will go into labor in 2, maybe 3 weeks) until the baby is born and then he will up the dosage so I do not suffer from PPD as I've already been suffering through depression for weeks...

He says it is completely safe for the baby and is OK for breastfeeding (which I plan on doing).He told me that I need to be feeling the best to be the best mom I can be and he feels like it's imperative that I take this now before my depression worsens. He seemed pretty concerned about me.

I have read several conflicting articles about this. I trust my doctor, but I also am really nervous about potentially harming my baby or causing birth defects.

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