3rd Trimester

I need to vent!

So I don't have anyway to release all my pent up emotions. And I need to get them out, so I'm just gonna write everything out on here and maybe I'll feel better.First off on my giant list, I would like to say that my future MIL is a total effing BIATCH. I want to slap her in the face. She's always been rude and controlling. And now she tells me last minute that she isn't sure she can do my baby shower anymore, and I just have to wait around for her to figure out if she can squeeze it back into her tightly knit schedule. THEN I come into work yesterday and my boss (I'm a nanny) says you will never believe what Laura (future MIL) said to me this weekend. Apparently she told my boss that she needs to watch her husband (who works from home) because I'm in her house alone with him all day. WTF?? Who says that?? And I can't say anything to anyone about it because it will just start crap and that is exactly what she wants. So I have to pretend like I have know idea that she is a conniving little weasel. Also I was supposed to quit working the end of this month due to horrible back pains and fatigue. But my fiance lost his job a little over a week ago. So now I have to work until. I physically cannot go on anymore. Did I mention I am exhausted! I am beyond tired and we are way past poor. I want to cry all the time. That or start destroying things around the house. I just want to go to bed, roll over, and pretend the world doesn't exist. I have no one to talk to and no one to visit with because all of my friends live an hour away. I am thankful at least that my fiance is very supportive and responsible. Without him, I think I would be really depressed. Or more depressed. Ugh. I'm not normally like this but there is just so much going on. And I don't have anyway to fix any of it.
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