1st Trimester

Intro - Hello and H&H 9 Months to all the ladies here!

Hi Ladies,

I've usually been a lurker on both the TTGP board as well as here for the past month or so, but I'm so excited to have gotten my BFP!  A little background...

My husband and I have been married for 1 year and 8 months.  He is 34, and I am 28.  We decided a month ago that we were ready to start trying for a baby, figuring it would take at least 3-6 months (if not longer).  We have a two week trip to Europe planned at the beginning of June, which was supposed to be our "final fling" before getting pregannt.  Well, looks like our baby will already have been a "world traveler" by the time he or she is born!

We got the BFP on Sunday, May 6th.  I really thought it was too early to test and kept telling myself there is no way I could really be pregnant, but I couldn't ignore the lower back pain that I was randomly having and have never felt before (I also had the usual PMS symptoms - crampy like AF was coming, sore breasts).  I took the test just to "rule out" pregnancy but instead got a surprise!  A wonderful surprise, though!  DH didn't believe it because he didn't think the line was dark enough! Hahaha I told him I had learned from bumpies that a line was a line, but he didn't totally buy it, so I went and bought a digital to confirm - now he finally believes it!

I am due on January 15, 2013, but that is according to online calculators.  I am not sure exactly when I ovulated or conceived, so we'll see if my doc adjusts that EDD later on.  My first appointment is June 12th, and I'm SOOOO excited!  I'm happy to have found out so early that I'm pregnant, but I definitely understand now what ladies on the bump have said - the earlier you find out the loooonger you have to wait on pins and needles for your first appointment! 

Anyway, sorry this was long.  Hello to all of you. and I wish a H&H 9 months to everyone here!



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