
Low supply or 3 month growth spurt?

For the past 2-3 days, I've been noticing that my LO has not been satisfied after each nursing session.  He gets very impatient if the milk flow slows and will pull off my nipple and cry/scream.  Then he continues to show hunger signs (eating his hands, opening his mouth when i tap his bottom lip) but won't relatch.  He seems to have enough wet and poopy diapers for the time being, but it could just be because this just started.  Is my supply tanking??  

I've been taking fenugreek (3 pills, 3 times a day), but it doesn't seem to be helping much.  This is causing me so much stress, coupled with lack of sleep (DS has also started waking up several times again at night). Oh yeah, and DS has lost his ability to nap. *sigh*

Could this also be a growth spurt?  Has anyone else gone (or is going) through this?  I'm constantly worried about my supply, and this is totally messing with my FTM mind.  Any advice/input would be much appreciated.  Thank you!!

Feb'12 March Siggy Challenge - Lucky Charm
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BFP #3 - 05.20.11, EDD - 01.31.12, Logan is here! 02.05.12
BFP #2 - 03.16.11, M/C 03.24.11
BFP #1 - 10.17.10, Blighted Ovum dx, M/C 01.09.11
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