3rd Trimester

Swollen feet & ankles

I'm a FTM and I've heard that swollen feet and ankles are common during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester.  My feet and ankles have definitely been getting swollen and puffy.  I look like I have muffin tops coming out of my shoes.  In fact, none of my shoes even fit me!  I have to wear flip flops because they are the only shoes comfortable right now.  By the end of the day, my feet and ankles even feel a little tingly when I walk and a little sore/tender to the touch.  Does anyone else have this problem?  Is this normal?  I just went to the doctor lasst week and forgot to mention it to him.  My blood pressure is fine, so I know it's not that.  I'm hoping this is normal.  Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling?

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