3rd Trimester

My crappy night in L&D

I'm tired. I'm cranky, and I hurt.

My hospital is about an hour and a half away from my house which makes it incredibly hard to decide when is the right time to go. Being a second timer, you would think that I would know a little better, but it's actually harder since I don't know how fast I might progress. 

I woke up at 2am in the middle of a hard contraction. I'm pretty sure I was having them for a while and just falling asleep in between them. However, when I woke up, they were very hard. I peed first, of course, because half the time that makes them go away. I repositioned, timed, reposition timed. Mostly they were 5-6 mins apart, lasting between 45sec to a little over a minute. Every once in a while I'd have one that was an odd ball, but they seemed very timable. After an 1hr 1/2, I went to the bathroom again, and it was bloody and very mucusy. I decided whether they fizzle or not, we should go just to be on the safe side.

We called my MIL to come watch DD1, and we headed to the hospital around 4am. The drive was miserable, and knowing that I might have to make it by myself while in labor if I go into labor while DH is at works scares the crap out of me.  Everything stayed pretty timable. All the excitement would stall me out, but as soon as I got rested, the contractions would come back. I got to the ER, registered, got wheeled to L&D, and I contracted through the whole thing. The instant I got on the L&D floor all contractions stopped. 

They put me on the monitor, and the baby was kind of lazy, so it took a while to get a reactive strip. They checked my cervix, and I was still finger-tip/1cm but I had gone from 30% at my last appointment to 50%. Then they unhooked me and told me to go walk around, go to the cafeteria and get some breakfast try to get the contractions to come back. They gave me an hour.  Every freaking contraction stopped. I was so irritated and embarrassed to have run everyone around in the middle of the night.

They hooked me back up around 7:30am and checked me again. No change. They offered to strip my membranes, but I'm not 40 weeks until Wed., and I don't see the point in being super uncomfortable while trying to speed up my labor when I'm not even to my due date, so I declined. They told me I did everything I should, and that this will possibly happen again. 

I got a strawberry limade for the drive home :( and took a 2 hr nap before being woke up with contractions again. I continue to have some blood when I wipe, and I'm pretty sure I just lost my MP. Ugh, I'm miserable. 

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