3rd Trimester

Everyone feels bad that I am having another boy...

I cannot believe how rude people are. Every time someone finds out I am having another boy they react soooo negatively. They either say "Ohhhh...." or ask if I am going to try again and 'hopefully get a girl'.

This morning, one of my friends gave birth to a baby girl (gender was a surprise), and my 'best friend' called to tell me the news. She informed me that she thinks my friend really wanted a girl all along but did not want to set herself up for disappointment so she just 'told everyone she would be happy with either'... (she already has one son...) She went on to say that everyone should have a girl...and I informed her that I would NOT be having a girl and that this was my last pregnancy. When I told HER I was having a boy, she also responded "Ohhh, I really hoped you were having a girl this time." AWKWARD!

Now, don't get me wrong, I was a little disappointed to find out I would never have a daughter-mother bond, like I ave with my mom. But the fact is that I AM having a boy...

Anyone else experience this?

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