
BFing, reflux, dairy, MSPI, meds, etc.

DS is a reflux baby. We just did a week trial on Zantac, and while it helped, he was still gurgling and arching a good portion of the day. Pedi decided to move us on to Prevacid solutabs. We're three days into that and the transition time between Zantac and Prevacid is ROUGH. I am doing everything I'm supposed to: keeping him upright after feedings, catching my letdown in a burp rag, cutting out dairy, sleeping him on an incline, etc.

Pedi suggested I cut out dairy. I've been dairy free for almost two weeks, and avoiding obvious soy, too. I'm not reading labels on things like bread, cereal, restaurant menus, but avoiding all dairy products and anything I know certainly has dairy (buttercream icing, baked goods, milk chocolate, and pasta sauces for example). DS's poops are looking great with my dairy elimination. He had some green, mucousy poos but now they're a nice yellow BF poo. I'm not convinced I need to totally do the MSPI diet, and the pediatrician certainly isn't. Thoughts? He doesn't have a rash, eczema, but does have the gas/reflux issues.

Other contributors to the gas are my letdown and minor oversupply. Other contributors to the reflux are both of those things, plus the fact that nearly my entire family has reflux and is on medication as teens and adults. I was a reflux baby, my brother was, my dad was, etc.

I just need some support and gentle advice. I'm tired of crying while he cries, but I just worry that I can't fix his crying. DS is just so fussy and grunty, and I hate that he's rarely happy. I know he's just 6 weeks old, but I just feel like I'm doing it all wrong because I don't have this cooing, quiet baby. 

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