
RP from 3-6MO: Cutting out a night feeding?

DD is about to be 4 months and for several weeks was sleeping 6-8 hours straight at night, waking to eat and then going back down for a few more hours. She had an ear infection, and her good sleep fell apart so now we're trying to get back to a routine.

I "know", because she's been doing it for weeks, that she can go longer at night without eating, but I guess I've gotten lazy with nursing her back to sleep every time she wakes up. I'm just interested to hear if/how others have cut out a middle of the night feeding, or if this is too early? We are definitely not ready for a CIO-type method, just trying to break the habit of snacking all night long.

ETA: I am perfectly happy to feed her whenever she needs to eat, but often these feedings are only a few minutes and she immediately goes back to sleep so I know she's not really hungry - I'm also trying to get her to eat more frequently in the evening like she used to, but she's starting to get distracted and doesn't eat as much, so that may be part of it as well.

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