3rd Trimester

OMG the pain!

Almost 37wks with DD#3 and I am so much pain!  I don't remember it being this bad with my first 2.  My hips and back/legs are so bad I can barely walk.  I have been trying to sleep sitting up on the couch with my legs up because I can no longer lay on my sides.  It hurts so much to try and roll from one side to the other it honestly feels like my hips are broken. 

I am so torn on one hand I am so ready to be done and want LO to get here already.  But on the other hand I want her to stay put at least another two weeks so that I can be at DD#1's events that are planned for next week (K screening, and her 1st dance recital).  Here's to suffering through the pain. 

 How is everyone else dealing with the pain? 

BabyFetus Ticker
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