3rd Trimester

Lesson Learned

Lurker here from the 0-3month babies here... Just wanted to put out a warning to my fellow bumpers about my experience after delivery LO.

PLEASE PLEASE don't forget to eat. Dropping weight after delivering is great but if you drop it too quick you can do serious damage to your body. I dropped way to quick, choosing to sleep more than eat and with BF LO for the first 6 weeks was alot to handle. I ended up in the ER with what they thought was kidney stones and it turned out to be gallstones and had surgery to remove my gallbladder on week 8 (I was suppose to go back to work starting wk9). I was out 5 weeks more due to complications from my gallbladder surgery and am still struggling to get back to normal. It angers me that I could have prevented this if I had taken better care of myself AFTER LO was born. For this I've missed more than a month of her life (due to medications and surgery I could no longer BF or carry LO for a long time). Don't make the same mistake when it can so easily be prevented. *hugs* to the moms to be, its amazing and wonderful to hold your baby in your arms. Treat yourself just as well as you'll going to treat your bundle of joy. You will both be better off for it!

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