
giving up due to food allergies?

I'm thinking of giving up BFing DD.  I EP for her just as I did for DS.  She tested positive for Dairy last week - I have eliminated all dairy from my diet for about a month now.   and she is still itchy and struggling to get over her eczema.  She had some blood in her diaper the day after the test and had a bad reaction that seemed to start clearing up.  And then her eczema broke out again after I ate some Yellow Snapper (cooked at home).  I really think she is allergic to much more than just diary (the only foods they tested for was dairy and soy - but she came up negative for other environmental factors like my cat and dog).

She fusses after every bottle - and is so itchy she is tearing up her face and back of her neck.  She used to cry after her bottles and we (me, DH & MIL) thought it was just gas or a little reflux.  But she eats fine otherwise.  After her diagnoses we realize that her crying must have been due to the milk.  she no longer straight cries - but she is clearly uncomfortable and itchy.  She does not get enough sleep for her age because she is so uncomfortable.  I started giving her benadryl at night (allergist gave me the dosage) to help her out - but I hate medicating her. and I'm so ready to get some sleep!

I feel like my milk is making her sick and it breaks my heart.  I'm considering making a switch to formula and wondering if anybody else made the switch based on thier LO's food allergies.

Any input is appreciated... TIA

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