
Newbie Pumping Questions - Help!

I'm about 6 months pregnant with my first, and am hoping to breastfeed but know very little about it. I'll be working full-time after 3 months of maternity leave, so I foresee a lot of pumping in my future.

Here are my questions. I appreciate any insight you can offer!

1. I'm considering either the Medela Freestyle or the Medela PISA. I've heard good things about both. I'm leaning toward the Freestyle because apparently it is hands-free, which would be really helpful for me at work. But I hate the price tag! The hands-free bra you can get for the PISA seems like a lot of trouble. Does anyone have experience with these? Thoughts or recommendations?

2. There are so many accessories available, and I have no idea what I'm actually going to need. Extra bottles? Extra breastshields? Cleaning kit? I am lost! What should I be looking to purchase in addition to the pump itself?

3. Can you walk me through the process of pumping? So I have a pumping session at work, storing the breastmilk in the little cooler. Can I keep it in the original bottle, or do I need to transfer it to a bag or other storage container? When I get home, should I keep it in that storage container in the fridge/freezer, and then just transfer it to the feeding bottle when it's time for LO to eat? Eek!

Obviously I'm very confused! Thanks in advance for your enlightenment!

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