
Info/Books for dads?

Hey everyone!

Quick background about me: I'm newly pregnant with Baby #2 and am planning on BFing. I BFed with #1 for a month (no supply or latching issues) before I quit due to PPD. I felt like a slave to my baby, then eventually the clock when I switched to EPing. I started to resent my baby and gave up BFing and pumping altogether.

For #2, I'm going to be prepared for the PPD right away, but I really want to BF again. When I brought this up to my husband, he told me that he wants to bottle feed from the very start so he can help out more on the overnights to help with my possible PPD.

Does anyone have any recommendations for books or information that my husband could read about this? He already knows that "Breast is Best," but he also knows what I was like during PPD and he wants to do everything he can to help me fight it next time.

Any suggestions? I really, REALLY want to do it again, but I feel I need to get the hubs on board. Any help is appreciated! Thank you! 

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