3rd Trimester

I love my OB, do not care one bit for her staff

Ugh, whyyyyy... If I didn't think the sun rose and set at my OB's command I would have left this office after my first visit.  I just don't get it.. I don't get unprofessional behavior and attitude in medical offices. In any workplace it's obnoxious, but when you work in healthcare there's an extra degree of compassion and patience that's requisite for any position, from the front desk all the way up. I work in health care myself, so I understand that patients can be challenging and push you to the limits of your humanity, I get that no one is perfect. Truly. What I don't get is why every single time I call to make an appointment and ask for two seconds to reference my own calendar to see which of the dates and times she's given me actually work in my schedule, I get a deep, over-exaggerated sigh of exasperation, the kind where you can actually hear someone's eyes rolling. And heaven forbid I have to call and reschedule an appointment, the woman at the front desk does not even try to hide her disdain. This morning I got so fed up that I actually stopped and asked her if I was keeping her from something more important, or if she would prefer to call me back when it was more convenient for her? That was met with silence while I'm guessing she pondered if I was serious or not (um, totally serious sweetheart, it's all about you here). She put me on hold to "speak with the doctor", aka: do the "can you believe this b!tch?" routine with her coworkers (I've seen them do that lovely display of disrespect first-hand while speaking with the referral coordinator whose station is right next to their reception desk. That was lovely.

So anyway, after about 30 seconds she picks up the phone and says my doctor can "squeeze me in" tomorrow afternoon. Interesting, considering my doctor is out of the office on Mondays, but how swell that she answers reception-related emergency calls while attending in labor & delivery. What dedication. 

And then there's the nurse who drops f-bombs regularly every time she asks my baby's gender and I tell her it's a girl. "Well take it from me, she'll be an f-ing diva like mine is before she can crawl." as though we're bffs and that kind of comment is appropriate as you're taking my blood pressure. She's also the type that when you respond with something like, "I think that's more about parenting than it is gender" doesn't just shut up and mind her business, but keeps going, keeps arguing, keeps insisting that baby girls are the devil sent to ruin their mother's lives. 

I hate to bother my OB with any of this, because honestly once I'm in her office all is forgotten, and their ridiculousness won't keep me from coming back for baby #2. But not saying anything at this point also feels like condoning, and that I can't stomach.

So that's my vent. Feel free to go about your day. 

BabyFetus Ticker
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