3rd Trimester

Jerk at Grocery

So I tend to get my feelings hurt easily lately but this jerk of a woman crossed a line - over eggs mind you...

DH & I were discussing eggs (budget minded - new parents & all) & while I was waiting on him to check the carton this 'woman' behind me whom I moved forward for mutters 'stupid b itch' toward ME. Who in their right mind calls a pregnant lady much less anyone else who's a stranger  in public a stupid b itch over eggs? 

No. 1 - I was there first & only taking a moment

No. 2 - The phrase pardon me & a smile works wonders!

No. 3 - I'm pregnant, how dare you call me a stupid B that's like calling a baby a stupid B as well.

Just ugh! wtf I'm so over rudeness & me first attitudes!

I was shocked & offended at this jerk of a woman & still am. It really hurt my feelings & almost brought out the momma tiger. When I told my DH (whom is sick & thin patience) was appalled & livid.  Luckily walked away. Not to mention she was a gross fat troll!  

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