3rd Trimester

Breech at 30 weeks

At my last OB appt, my doctor said he doesn't check the position of the baby until 36 weeks, because it doesn't really matter before then.

But today, at an elective 3D Ultrasound, we found out that the baby is breech. The ultrasound tech said that it's important to try to get the baby to flip before 36 weeks, bc once it gets that late, she might not turn at all.

My next OB appt is in 2.5 weeks, so I'll be able to discuss this with my doctor then....

Have any of you had a breech baby who flipped on his/her own? The tech showed me some stretches to help to get the baby to turn. If she doesn't turn, I won't let my OB do a version, because I am scared of what could happen to her. I'd actually rather have a C/S.

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