
bottle/pacifier questions

Hi ladies! I am expecting my daughter in July and I definitely want to breastfeed. I am a ftm though, so I was hoping I could ask you all some questions. I am going back to work a couple months after I deliver, so I will have to pump and introduce the bottle for when I am away. My mom mentioned that I needed to research different nipple types for bottles, to minimize the risk of nipple confusion? What do you ladies recommend? I am going to be on somewhat of a tight budget at first, so I can't commit to some bottles that are 20 bucks a piece and what not, but I would love some suggestions and info on this. Also if I choose to introduce a binky, would it be best to make sure it is the same nipple type as the bottle? Are binkys recommended for breastfed babies, or does it matter? My mother did not breastfeed, nor do any of friends, so I don't have anyone to bounce these questions off of. TIA for any advice.
Can't wait to meet my baby girl! Elizabeth Violet is due July 26th, 2012
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