3rd Trimester

overall weight gain: 2 lbs at 33 weeks....wtf???

Ok so I know the norms of what you are "supposed" to gain during pregnancy, and since I was overweight to begin with, I am supposed to gain less. I guess I am excited to say that since my first appt (8 weeks) I have only gained 2 lbs! And I'm 33 weeks now. I was extremely worried at first because I have honestly not changed my eating habits....so wtf is up? My midwife said that as long as I am measuring right (which I am, I am actually measuring slightly big), then she has no worries. She has noticed (as has my hubby) that I have thinned out a bit in the face and thighs.....SWEET! I want to know if anyone else is having the same thing happen...I know I can't be alone in this! I'm hoping this is a sign that I will be able to lose the weight this time after the baby. He is my 3rd and my first 2 were sooo close together that I never had time to lose weight, and then just kind of gave up after that Tongue Tied
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