1st Trimester

Darn Emotions!

I swear these hormones are turning me into a big emotional blubbering mess! I am typically really good at keeping my emotions in check and like to keep things private. If I do let them loose, it's usually in the form of anger. I am not a public crier at all. The only movie I have ever cried at was Marley and Me (balled like a baby during that one). But since getting knocked up, any little thing can make me tear up! Watching TV is nearly impossible without shedding a few tears. Every little touching story gets me! Even movies I've seen a million times are getting me! Fortunately my BF works nights so he's not here to witness all of my emotional break downs at every little sad moment. Please tell me I'm not alone in this! :) 
photo fa19fc2f-6e7b-4724-af80-d74c83e622fd_zpsf8b2d5f5.jpg image Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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