3rd Trimester

Low amniotic fluid.....37 weeks along?

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bride711 is online. Last active: 05-05-2012, 8:17 PMBronze

Low amniotic fluid almost 37 weeks?

Hi ladies

I went to my mfm yesterday. The ultrasound showed that my fluid was 7.2. The questioned if I was leaking any and did a strip test which was negative. They ran a bunch of labs which all came back normal. 

Of course my bp in the office was 130's because I was so anxious after the tech told me you may have to go the hospital which took me by surprise. Our peri came in and checked the baby and all the amniotic fluid pockets and got 7.2. She said that she's calling it the lower side of normal. She said to come back on Monday to recheck and we will be monitored twice weekly to check fluid. If it shows it at 5 then deliver.

What can cause this? Any restrictions or things I can do to improve it?

Im staying very hydrated! 

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