
BFing vs pumping - coming up short?

I am a working mama so I pump while at work.
I send four 4 oz bottles to DC with her and then DH has about 4 more ozs for the house that he feeds usually her before I get home. I am gone from 1130am-930pm.

In the past month I have been only pumping about 15oz while at work and about four before/after work so a grand total of about 19ozs total for the day. When you look at the numbers I am barely making enough to get her thru a day and if it wasnt for my freezer stash that is slowly dipping down, I wouldnt have enough to give her bottles during the day.

Here is my question - I was on vaca all last week and primarliy just BF instead of bottle and she was happy & full. Assuming my supply is staying the same when I BF and pump, how is it when I BF she can be full and content but when I pump and she takes from a bottle I seem to come up short? Is this "normal"? Has anyone else experienced this?

Thanks ladies!
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