3rd Trimester

Weekend of inpromptu guests and meals (vent ~long)

So its 5:30 am my time right now, and I'm awake. Not just because I recently had to get up to pee, but because I've been tossing all night and just know I won't go back to sleep at this point. My nose is stuffy, and I'm annoyed, and there's no point staying awake and not dealing with anything while I'm at it.

This weekend has been turning out, as of friday, to suck and be far more than I bargained for/wanted. Friday I thought I had a nice day planned, do some little things around the house, then go and get my hair done for an hour so I can feel better about my large self, relax etc. Then there was going to be a surprise (but I already guessed about it) baby shower for DH and I at his work, then later we would be hosting dinner here, but I had it all planned out to be easy. Instead this is what happened so far.

Hair done, great, look better, feel better, nice time, but took about 1:45 instead of 1hr and I didnt have time to prep any of the dinner stuff I wanted to. Go to party, have to wait a while in the lobby to get let up, because party is running late b/c of their meetings, fine I get that, but nobody told me, just had me wait and play solitaire for a while. Party happens, meet some people, thats cool. Meet some new women on DH's team - don't like them, they seem entirely insencere and a little crazy, but whatever. after an hour DH runs away to some new meeting he wanted to be in on, fine I stay with the two lady friends I know and like and can chat to. Then a short time later, they both want to leave the party because they want to have a private conversation, but are arguing about what to do with me, so I just go with them (need key cards to move floors or areas). Then they are both trying desperately to leave, its like 4:15 and party started at 3:30. So then they run off to continue their evenings with other people, and bring me back to the party where all there is is two guys, and DH's manager who I only just met, DH is still off in some meeting. So I hang out, make myself fake margaritas and eat chips and try to involve myself in conversation. DH comes back in another hour, we chat a bit more with people and leave at 6.

Get home, dinner guests expected at 7 and I still have to make empanadas from scratch, and a salad, and was going to bake a dessert appropriate to what I know they like, but instead we were told to bring home the leftover cake from party that DH insisted we could feed to dinner guests. DH says, can I help.. I say umm and look around for 1sec and he says great, I'll be over here doing work. Fine, it would be more work for me to tell you what to do anyway. So I start dinner prep stuff, and he is in his own world. Guests show up on time and he freaks, oh I thought I had more time! So then they arrive I'm still making stuff and they feel bad, but then I get told, oh she doesn't eat beef.. well ***, empanadas are made with beef. Fine I'll make you up a quick new one, I could cook up some chicken or something for it, she says no, just make it veggie. I feel like a horrible person. Then DH is like oh sweetie let me help you.. after the hard stuff is done, and all there is left is to cut a few baby tomatoes for salad. super.

In the middle of dinner he gets texts from this female college friend of his who just says oh hey I am in town this weekend, wanna hang out, bla bla. I don't enjoy this girl as she is a flirt/tease/partier and just generally kinda dumb. But she is someone from DH's past that he feels he needs to hold on to, and gets all excited, oh wow, I haven't seen her in a while, lets have her over some time this weekend. Dinner ends, guests leave, he says so its only 10 I'm not tired lets invite college friend over now. I say, whatever I'm tired, my feet hurt and won't stay up, I have tmrw's big fancy dinner to prep in the morning, and you invited 2 other friends over for brunch, so I would prefer not to be entertaining more right now. you can hang out. calls friend, she is out partying, he says you can come in the morning before brunch time, or sunday maybe. she is busy sunday, but can come sunday night for dinner. Oh really? whoopeee, that is so what I wanted. NOT. Oh and DH's sister, who I would like to see, is in a nearby city and may be able to come by either sunday evening or monday to visit. So I have today: prep for dinner tonight, appt for carseat install, cooking brunch for 2 friends (where 1 I actually want to see), then hanging out with her for a bit, then drive her to airport, then dinner for 2 fancy couples so I have to pull out all the stops, clean, make a bunch of stuff, (when I ask DH to plan to help, he says sure, but then asks what we're making and wants to cut half the stuff out, I said then dinner is just meat, thats retarded). Then sunday, he wants to do work, have this college friend over, I want to go for a walk, then maybe sister over, and who knows what else comes up.

I'm tired, overwhelmed, and regretting telling him that I'd rather have social things over with by end of this weekend in case baby comes next week. I only meant that about the original 3 people we planned to see this weekend. Sorry for the rant, hope you ladies are having a more relaxing last few weeks! 

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