3rd Trimester

My feet grew overnight!!!

So I took today off because my hubby and I were going to a noon symphony.  I slept in :) and then got out of bed with enough time to get ready.  And to my shock my shoes in my closet didn't fit me!!  I tried on several.  So a quick trip to Payless and yup - I am now 1/2 a size bigger!!!

My feet never grew with my first pregnancy and from what I seem to find online it is from the hormone relaxin and they won't shrink back!!  I am hoping to find that it isn't true for me because I have a closet full of shoes that I LOVE.

We are spending so much money lately moving our DD into a new room to get the nursery back together for our next DD.  So I hate having to spend money on shoes.  (yeah, I am one of those strange women who doesn't love shoe shopping).

So I now own a pair of brown dress shoes in my new size.  Since I am not sure if they will grow anymore and I am really hoping that just maybe they will shrink - what do you think is a basic shoe wardrobe for summer?  I am contemplating flip flops and sneakers and I can make it by.  Any thoughts? 

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