3rd Trimester

Levi's birthday~ April 30!!!

Levi Owen arrived on April 30 at 12:55pm. We're both home and healthy. My water broke at 2am and we were checked into the hospital by 3. I was already dilated 3cm 100% effaced. They started me on pitocin to speed things up. It took a while to get to 5cm and that's when I asked for the epi. By the time I got it I was 6cm. It only took a few more hours for me to get to 9 1/2cm. Then she checked me one last time and said, I can't feel anymore cervix. We waited for the doc and I started pushing. It took an hour since I couldn't feel my legs. By the time I was done I could feel everything cause they had turned off the epi. All went well and as soon as I held him all the pain went away.

Levi Owen


Weight: 7lbs 9.5oz

Height: 21in

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