3rd Trimester

DH insensitive??

Or just over emotional?

Last nigh as DH & I were leaving for the grocery. he made it appoint to lean himself against the car arms spread eagle & all. I asked what he was doing & he's like - I'm letting you get by, I respond I'm not that big & gave him a side eye. The jeep was parked in the drive way. And before hand he was crap talking a coworker to other coworkers - like a biotch in hs gathering up their biotchs...

He has already stated several times how big I am... & gotten bigger recently.

Which okay fine - I started out 5'4 @ 100lbs & now reached 142 @37+ weeks. I thought I was doing pretty good in the weight factor & dr. is pleased but w/e.


He really pissed me off though with his little car stunt. and watching first hand how he backstabs a coworker that's been gracious w/ baby stuff really put a bad taste in my mouth. Just so he can 'get ahead'. I'm sorry but shittalking isn't the way to go. let your work efforts speak for itself...sigh

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