
XP: BF/Pumping Questions

XP'd from BMB 

Ok, for whatever reason it still hurts when BF LO. She has a good latch but she is like a hoover vaccum so when she initially latches it hurts like crazy. On my left side the pain goes away after a couple of seconds but on my right side it never goes away. Ironically the right side is the side that has no bruises or cracks (left side kind of took a beating when we initially started BF while we were learning how to latch). Anyways, on the right side, I get intense nipple pain when she latches on despite being latched correctly and then now I get this intense pain that goes from the nipple all the way back down the side of my breast. I think it could be a clogged duct I suppose, so I started nursing her on that side in football hold in hopes that she help on unclog it. It feels better if DH's massages it while I am nursing but he can't massage it for twenty minutes. It's to the point that I dread feeding times and I cry when I have to feed her which is not how I should feel. I love nursing her and I don't want to quit, but I can't keep doing this either. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any advice? I am quickly coming to the end of my rope.

This morning I broke out my pump because the thought of her latching on without my DH there to help massage was just unbearable. So I decided to give my breasts a little breal even though LO is only a week old. The pumping went well and it didn't hurt at all so definitely a welcome relief. DD didn't seem to mind the bottle once she figured out what it was and I was able to get enough milk for her feeding. Those of you that pump, how many ounces do you feed your LO? How high of a setting do you set your pump on? What are the pros and cons of pumping vs breastfeeding? The pumping felt so much better so it makes me feel better about feeding times, but I am afraid I am setting myself up for failure when we switch back to the breast. Also, while it didn't hurt, pumping did make me bleed on my right side-how do I prevent that from happening?

Also, how do you clean/sanitize your bottles, nipples and breastpump parts?

Sorry for all of the questions, I'm just an overwhelmed FTM who doesn't know what to do anymore.

Married 9/19/09
BFP#1 05/19/10 M/C 6/4/10 d/x threatened m/c 6/6/10 m/c confirmed
BFP#2 10/26/10 M/C 11/01/10
BFP#3 11/28/10 C/P 11/29/10
BFP#4 02/23/11 M/C 3/1/11
BFP#5 08/13/11 EDD 04/27/12 Beta @11DPO 8.79 Beta @13DPO 36 Beta @17DPO 179 Beta @20DPO 679!! 6w3d hb 116 bpm! 8w3d hb 164 bpm! 10w4d hb 177-187 NT scan 12w2d hb 173-everything looks great! 14w4d-everything still looks great! A/S scheduled for 12/12!
Our rainbow baby is here!! Emmalynn Anne born 4/27/12 via unplanned c-section

I used have pictures in my siggy but then April 2012 got invaded by trolls.
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