3rd Trimester

Doctors not called until crowning....please explain!

Maybe a few of you are nurses or have had this experience and can explain it me. :)

When DS was born, i pushed for 4+ hours....so i understand that they let you do most of the pushing with the nurses, then call the doc when the baby is almost there.  I know, there time is valuable and they have so many patients, yada yada.  BUT.....by the time DS finally crowned....they told me to hold on because we had to wait on the doctor for 10 minutes.  i was like...WTF?  Mind you...i had to keep pushing because they didnt want him to go back up at all. 

I read so many birth stories from women who have had a similar experience.

i do understand that getting a baby down to crowning level can take a very long time, but at the same time.  I had been pushing for so long and now you want me to wait because the doc is just now getting here and needs to prepare?  I spent 9 months under the care of this doctor and they cant show up a little earlier? :)

So...im just curious as to what you have heard or had experience with. :)

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