
Bottle to Breastfeed issues

(also posted on March 2012 Board

I am an EBF and Pump at work so DS will have food. Going on 3rd week of giving DS a bottle then I BF when I get home.  The past few days, DS gets fussy when he is sleepy and would prefer a Easy bottle VS' taking the breast. We will fight for about ten mins and he will take the breast and fall asleep. Bottom line- IF I AM HOME=HE IS ONLY GETTING THE BOOB!

DH is FIGHTING me and trying to tell me to just give him the bottle and only pump from now on! WTF?! I know that some babies will have issues going between bottle and boob. I get that. And i know it is something we will work on. But to NOT have the support from DH is BULL%$*T! Especially when DS does still BF and I am NOT giving up BF!

DS has NO problem BF for his Last Call feeding, 4AM feeding or 7AM feeding. It is just his 6PM (when i just get home) feeding. 

I am just so over DH! He thinks that DS is ALWAYS starving! DUDE its A PACIFIER!! JUST because he WANTS the Paci DOES NOT MEAN HE IS STARVING!!

Please help!! Suggestions? Bottle recommendations?! Ways to beat DH? LOL J/k

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