3rd Trimester

SO Offended! :(

First let me start by saying, I'm ultra hormonal today. We (my husband and I) started child birth classes last week. I was trying to be optomistic about it, while my husband dreads every second. I can totally understand as it really doesnt relate to him, but he still makes it a point to go to support me - even though I told him he didnt have to. Well anyways...The instructor this week started by asking us how our "diets" were going. Needless to say, I'm not on one although I do not just eat whatever I want. I try to pick nutritional foods with a little chocolate thrown in here and there. I'm 5'1 and started at 135lbs but I've gained 25lbs so far. I did tell her I failed my glucose test and that I go tomorrow for the 3 hour test. SHe looked at me, and said I cant wait to hear how you do. Your tiny, yet big and round (as she pointed at my waist) I luckily am easy going but of course came home and cried in the shower. How dare she say that to me!? So sad! After speaking with a friend she said my baby belly is big and cute, but that otherwise I look the same as before but I cant help but to think big and round = fat ass. Lets hope and pray I pass the test tomorrow... :(

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