3rd Trimester

39 weeks 3 days and no signs of labor...

I'm pregnant with my first baby (girl).  Not that I'm complaining about it though, I've been sick my whole pregnancy and the last few weeks I've actually felt good, except for being tired and a little bit of cramping.  My last day of work was yesterday so I'm looking forward to some "me" time before the baby comes.  I was having braxton-hicks contractions frequently 3-4 weeks ago but now I'm down to about once a week.  I haven't even dropped yet!  I was have diarrhea and cramping for about a week, but that stopped.  Feeling some heaviness in my belly but I guess that's to be expected.  My Dr. wants to induce me at 41 weeks, I'm not sure how I feel about that I'd rather my labor start naturally.   Are there any first timers out there who went into labor without dropping or any labor signs?  Just wondering. 

Also can anyone suggest some good baby/parenting books?

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