3rd Trimester

Adominal Seperation/Back Pain

I was wondering if anyone else have experiences with this and what they found has helped. I noticed when getting out of bath my tummy buldges in weird shape i didnt think anything of it. I told my dr 2 weeks ago that I have very bad back, tailbone, rib pains. I sit at a desk all day and its just miserable so she referred me to a physical therapist, so while doing the first screening she noticed when I went to get up how the buldge was and also when feeling my adomen that it was seperated, they gave me some stretches to help and said within 2 weeks if Im not getting better they may recommend to my work to take me off because that wont help me recover and if i dont get the muscles straitghtend before deliver I wont be able to push. i talked to my ob today about it and she said most people; are ok enough to still push during delivery when they have adominal seperation, her one experience someone pressed on adominal while pushing so it didnt bludge. I read about it online and it does say that it causes pains in the back. Im going to physical therapy 2 times a week, and doing the exercises at home. just wondered if anyone else has went through this.

Its also one thing after another with my pregnancy

First i was off sick from weeks 6-12 at work, then was ok, now have heartburn burn bad, failed one hour glucose and barely passed 3 hours, found out im anemic, have the seperation, back to having nuseau, restless legs, back pains, just keeps getting worst.

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