3rd Trimester

Any BF moms planning to exclusively pump?

For a number of reasons, it's been my plan to breastfeed through pumping exclusively. Boob juice in a bottle, if you will. I'm surprised that there isn't more comprehensive information geared towards women with this plan...is it because most BF info focusing on the actual act of breastfeeding, and going all-pump essentially breaks the task down into two separate tasks for mom and baby: pumping and feeding? They do basically because separate issues.

Or are very few women doing this? Is exclusive bottle-feeding synonymous with formula, and is breastfeeding synonymous with babe-to-boob action?

By the way, I'm more than happy to explain why this is my plan, if anyone is interested. I'm having a 5pm energy slump right now, so I'm just being lazy about typing :)

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