3rd Trimester

recs for sites to create baby blog + with pics/videos?

So DH and I live on the west coast, and all our family and many of our friends are back east, but will still want fairly frequent updates on baby once she is here. So far we've been just doing weekly emails, but that seems a bit annoying after a while. 

We're looking for any recommendations for sites to create a blog about our little girl, one that easily supports the addition of pictures, videos as well as a paragraph of writing updates and stories and things.It would be great to have one that also easily accepted videos and pics from smartphones, like maybe an app that would go straight to the site or something.

Otherwise the only idea I have is to have a regular verbal blog with one or two photos, and then upload the rest of photos and videos to flickr or something. 

Anyone have one of these set up already or done some research? TIA! 

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