3rd Trimester

terrified of c-section :(

At my 20 wk anatomy scan I was told my placenta was low and that I may have to have a c-section if it doesn't move up.  On Tuesday at 28 weeks they checked me again, and it is still low so the doc said they will have to check yet again in 4 weeks.  I am already scared to death of labor, and the thought of having a c-section absolutely terrifies me!!  Not only because its a surgery and I will be cut open, but also the longer hospital stay, the longer recovery time and not being able to exercise, the horrible scar (i love my bikinis). Also, what if I go into labor naturally before my scheduled c-section???  Ahh! I am having major anxiety about this and have not beenn able to sleep.  Can any 2+ moms that have had c-section help me feel better?!
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