3rd Trimester

Advice on what to eat to not gain any more unnecessary weight?

I have gained 40 lbs today. Dr is not concerned but I am. I have  exercised and tried to eat healthy throughout this PG. I am sick of the gaining. My eating routine is usually:

Morning: banana, wheat toast with peanut butter. . Weekends are egg omelts are large breakfasts. Snacks are usually grapes or fruit. Lunch- some kind of sandwich or soup. Dinner I ususally eat whatever DH cooks ( enchilladas, spaghetti, meat & baked potato.

What do you ladies eat to not gain so much? I am so frustrated, depresed and I feel disgusting. Normally I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight so I am not used to dieting really.

Should I cut out fruit b/c of sugars?

Cut out all carbs?


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