3rd Trimester

Braxton Hicks?

I've been having a lot of tightness in my belly when I am active or walking.  For example, I will be fine sitting and then I will stand up just to walk to the copier or something like that and my belly will be extremely tight.  It is also like this whenever I walk for extended periods of time (i.e. up to half an hour).  I'm not sure if what I am experiencing is Braxton Hicks or just general tightness due to everything stretching maybe.  I thought Braxton Hicks were more intermittent and only lasted for a few seconds to a few minutes.  What I experience is tightness that goes on for quite a while, usually until I am able to sit again.  Has anyone else experienced this?  My doctor was less than helpful when I tried to ask about it.  Thanks!

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