3rd Trimester


  In our families (both mine and DH's) we have baby showers for every baby.  In 1 1/2 wks Im going back home and my mom and MIL are having a shower for me.

  It feels like every time I talk to my MIL she always has something to say, and it hurts my feelings. She called me today, and she brought up the shower.. she was telling me how she messed up on a few of the invites, and she hopes my mom doesnt buy more because in her mind the people that didnt get one arent important (well I made the list, and I put everyone on the list that I felt were important). I then told her how my (step) grandma cant make it, she will be out of town. I just told her how I understood but I was sad. Well MIL went on and on, "Oh well, its not a big deal. I told my sister not to worry about coming...."  after that I just hit the mute button (in my mind)

  The last time we talked she was going on and on how she isnt coming up for the babies birth because my mom, brother and sister are..its just one thing after another

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